Today was a bizarro day weatherwise. It couldn't decide between being sunny & gorgeous or rainy & cold! I was dropped off in Chesterfield & spent the day wandering around the Market & all the shops. Checking out the Crooked Spire Church that they are famous for. It was built in the late 13 Century and finished around 1360. It is the largest church in Derbyshire. The Spire was 'twisted' when unseasoned wood was used during its construction. Then 32 tons of lead tiles were placed on top and as the timber dried out the weight of the lead twisted the spire. I found a place that did a Chai Latte. I guess in the last few years lattes & mochas have become popular here, but funky teas have still not caught on. I am ashamed to say that I am missing Starbucks & Starbucks inspired fun & funky tea options!! 
I also finally found a shop that had a bit of wool in it. So I found needles that I will be able to start my project with! I still need to find a better wool shop that has more options! :) But I can get started now LOL
Tonight we watched Eurovision 2009! It's like European Idol. Quite the thing, so much going on! And Norway won, they were the ones I like the best! "I'm in love with a Fairytale.."
More to come...
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