Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feeling the love...

One step forward, two steps back!?!?

I was rocking out the SparkPeople goals, I was feeling more fit, feeling proud of my accomplishments; I had managed over a week of exercising everyday and being mindful of what I put in my mouth!!

Valentine's Day...around 4pm I started to get a tummy ache. It got progressively worse until we decided to go to the hospital and check it out. Appendicitis. So the evening of the 15th I had surgery. My first time. Yikes! (More yikes because of the shenanigans at the hospital and the lack of clarity surrounding whether it actually was my appendix!) However, I did go ahead with it. Laparoscopically...so I only have three little holes. They said it's an easy surgery, go home the next day kind of thing. Truly, compared to my roomie at the hospital I did have it easy - but it didn't feel like it!

When we returned home Spyros and I looked up the surgery on YouTube, oh strange humanoids that are out there, there were of course a few videos available!! No wonder it hurts! They really tug & pull when they are in there.  

I spent a couple of days mostly lying around, doing laps around our kitchen to get a bit of movement happening, taking pain medicine, drinking lots of water. I had informed all of my friends and family and the response was overwhelming. Offers to hop on a plane to come & help out (and this was just an easy surgery, imagine if I had lost a limb or something!). So I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself, but mostly lucky that there is so much love in my life and so many good friends.

The first few days I didn't even knit. I know, I know, everyone thinks that if you're just stuck in bed it's the perfect time for that type of hobby, but I don't like to knit while lying down...however I have gotten my mojo back and finished my SWAP project in plenty of time! YAY! Will post photo once package has been received!!
I did complete the hat for my brother in plenty of time! He liked it (which is a feat in and of itself for a 16 year old!) and has been wearing it regularly.

The next on the list?! I think I need to get the darn slippers done now! Birthday & SWAP knitting is completed and I want to get those thrummed slippers done for me next!

Still haven't had any luck hearing back from Immigration about my Visa application, thought at this point we aren't really expecting to hear anything until May.

It's getting to crunch time here with the moving...it's looking like we are headed south, back to the lower mainland. 

Now that I am feeling a bit better I have taking to walking around the block, though Spyros holds the dogs leads as I don't want to get pulled abruptly! On Friday I can remove the steri-tape that is covering the wounds (1 dissolving stitch in each), and hopefully next week I will be able to exercise a bit more normally.

For now?! I have a bunch of podcasts to catch up on again!

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