Last Sunday I did not work. This is no surprise, I don't generally work on Sundays - however on this particular Sunday my friend called me to say he was going to go for a hike & invited me along. Now I have been longing to go for a hike or a canoe in this gorgeous weather & so I jumped at the chance! I hurriedly finished up my breakfast & got my camelback ready. We headed up Golden Ears; it is a hike I have never done, and I definitely want to do again.
This particular trail, West Canyon Trail (Golden Ears Trail) is a long one - 12km up to a snowfield! However, we did not head out early or pack for a strenuous hike. We got nearly to Alder Flats which is only about 5km. We stopped for lunch along the river & sat sunning ourselves for a bit. Then headed back because he had dinner plans. It was pretty fabulous to get out in nature on a nice day, though I did end up sunburning my shoulders pretty intensely.
This particular trail, West Canyon Trail (Golden Ears Trail) is a long one - 12km up to a snowfield! However, we did not head out early or pack for a strenuous hike. We got nearly to Alder Flats which is only about 5km. We stopped for lunch along the river & sat sunning ourselves for a bit. Then headed back because he had dinner plans. It was pretty fabulous to get out in nature on a nice day, though I did end up sunburning my shoulders pretty intensely.
This week I was working a lot. So much so that I didn't do much spinning. BOO URNS! It's Tour de Fleece! Tuesday after work I headed into Vancouver to meet friends for dinner & doing some haircuts, and then we went for a drink. I have been wiped out when I arrive home & have not been doing much other than making dinner, showering, cleaning up dinner & reading. I have been reading. My friend lent me 50 Shades of Grey and I finished all three already. They were good & I had a hard time putting them down. Reminded me alot of the Twilight trilogy (troubled guy that is bad news, innocent girl that can't stay away, overwhelming intensity of feelings...) the difference being the ways that the main male characters were "bad", S&M vs Undead.
Today I did not work, that's right - Saturday...and I got to sleep in. I got to make a leisurely breakfast (egg scramble w/chicken, mushroom, orange pepper, red onion, spinach & cheese) and watch some podcasts! I also wanted to spend a bit of time in the sunshine, so I put on my bikini, took my phone with my audio book loaded up & went to lie on the grass in the backyard for a bit! I fell asleep :-S and now I have a strange sunburn. Aloe vera & I...we are likethis!!!
So I came inside. I had a cool shower, slathered on the aloe & started spindling! Also...I joined Plurk! I always hear of all of my podcasting & Rav friends knowing before I know because of Plurk, so I joined the revolution!
I have done ZERO knitting, as I have been tired & wanting to spindle & doing neither. (Oh yes, and reading!) I am done the books, and so I shall resume! I have been spindling today...still hoping to finish this braid by the end of TdF! No photos because it feels like there hasn't been much change!
I did purchase a braid of fibre from a destash on Rav. It's Polwarth/Silk & everyone raves about it, so I want to try it...but it is stuck in 4th of July mail-jams.
I have been working a lot, and sweating a lot because it's been so warm! I have been hiking or getting outdoors whenever I can (I plan to tomorrow in fact!) and I have been avidly reading a new blog fitknitchick (that's right - she knits & she's a fitness instructor/personal trainer!) and have been getting a lot of ideas & haven't had time. However, she did recently post about "a plank a day" & after reading that I have been trying to do a plank & a bridge each day, trying to increase the length of time I can hold each. FYI: I am much better at the bridge!
Haven't heard anything back from the person meant to be filling in for my Case Worker. Hopefully soon...while Skyping with my mister is amazing & it's almost like we are just hanging out when we do, there's a distinct lack of kissing & cuddling!!!
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